• Article
  • 29 Nov 2017
Pete BurdenPhoto
Pete Burden

Free Job Market Data To Better Target Key Candidates

Free Job Market Data To Better Target Key Candidates.jpg + Listing Image

In my recent conversations with hiring managers in aerospace and defence, one thing has repeatedly come up.  How can I find talented engineers for my business?  We all know that attracting brilliant people to an organisation gives it a massive advantage but this is much easier said than done, especially in today's job market. 

There are certain skillsets, particularly in industries with skills shortages like aerospace and defence, that are very hard to find.  Visibility on where these people are working, what they’re working on and what motivates them can be poor.  How can you plan to engage these potential employees if you know so little about them?

To help you arm yourself with better data on those hard to fill positions, I'm opening up a programme that I've been running with a select few clients over the last year.  KDC Resource supplies them with periodic job market data for their organisation’s crucial roles to give them the edge in securing their next wave of talent. 

This means that we’re now offering a free job market report to any aerospace and defence company that wants one to help them engage those difficult-to-find people.  Just fill in the form below, tell us what skills you are struggling with and a researcher will compile and send you a report that will arm you with crucial information to help you target, engage and hire these people.

Form ID:2116