• Article
  • 14 Jan 2019
Pete BurdenPhoto
Pete Burden

Hybrid Air Vehicles Scores Production Approval

Hybrid Air Vehicles Scores Production Approval.jpg + Listing Image

Hybrid Air Vehicles’ Airlander 10, the world’s longest aircraft, is ready to go into full production following the award of Production Organisation Approval (POA) from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).  

The milestone follows hot on the heels of October 2018’s award of Design Organisation Approval from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).  This puts HAV in a “strong position to launch production” and the company has earmarked the early 2020s for a maiden flight of the production aircraft.

A POA assesses the manufacture and assembly elements of aircraft production, which covers supply chain management, manufacturing and assembly processes as well as analysing the production facility itself.  The POA coupled with the DOA puts the company on a path towards type certification with the production Airlander 10.

"Successfully being awarded our POA in the same year as our DOA is fantastic," said Executive Director Nick Allman. "The POA is the regulator’s stamp of approval for us to move ahead with the productionisation of Airlander 10 on the path to type certification. This puts us in a great position going into 2019."

Following the certifications, the prototype Airlander 10 that has been used to test and prove the Airlander concept has now been retired.