• Article
  • 23 May 2018
Pete BurdenPhoto
Pete Burden

Rolls-Royce to Get £10m as Part of UK Industrial Strategy

Rolls-Royce to Get £10m as Part of UK Industrial Strategy.jpg + Listing Image

The UK government’s industrial strategy is paying off for Rolls-Royce which is set to receive more than £10m for two projects that will focus on aircraft engine performance and efficiency.  The total value of the projects is over £21m.

Rolls-Royce has clubbed together with the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) and academic partners to secure the grants for the two projects.  The funding will be used to support research into new engine cooling systems and cutting-edge technologies to stop ice accretion on engines when cruising at high altitudes.

Aerospace Minister Richard Harrington unveiled the news during a site visit to the company’s Derby facility.  Funding support for the latest technologies in aerospace engine manufacturing and performance is part of a £3.9b investment from government and industry as part of the UK’s Industrial Strategy.

Aerospace Minister Richard Harrington said:

“As the home of the first jet engine, the UK has an aerospace heritage that’s revered around the world. Through our modern Industrial Strategy, we will continue this legacy and have already committed to work with industry to invest £3.9 billion to further transform the sector.

“These 2 projects will see the best talent from the industry come together to help the UK reach even greater heights in aerospace excellence."