• Article
  • 04 Apr 2023
Pete BurdenPhoto
Pete Burden

The Future of Talent Acquisition: How Technology is Transforming the Recruitment Landscape

AI In Recruitment + Listing Image

The recruitment process has generally remained fairly static for a long time. Aside from the way candidates submit applications, recruitment has been a largely manual and in-person process.

However, technology is taking on an increasingly larger role in the talent acquisition industry, ranging from AI-powered matching to virtual career fairs and more. Let’s dig into the effect of technology on the recruitment landscape and what this could mean in the future.

Key Advancements in Recruitment

Although changes were creeping into recruitment pre-2020, the pandemic certainly changed our outlook on the role of technology. If nothing else, it gave rise to the wider adoption of video interviews and virtual career fairs. Consider a platform like Zoom and its impact on a recruiter’s (and candidate’s) ability to conduct more interviews in less time.

The same applies to AI-powered matching algorithms and applicant tracking systems (ATS). AI allows recruiters to streamline their CV research by filtering out applicants who don’t meet the initial criteria. Combined with machine learning, AI can enhance candidate sourcing and screening, using predictive analytics for more informed decisions.

A great example of this in action is a platform like Pymetrics. It uses data-driven insights and AI to find the best-fitting candidates for a position. But it also works for candidates by redirecting runners-up to more suitable positions at the same or alternative companies. The result is a more streamlined and efficient process for everyone.

Another feature Pymetrics uses (as do other companies) is gamification. The bottom line is that it uses game theory to engage candidates innovatively while testing their relevant soft skills. Along with creating interest, it’s effective for filtering unsuitable candidates in a way that doesn’t feel unprofessional.

Is Technology Everything We Need It to Be?

On the surface, overhauling recruitment with modern tech solutions is a great idea. However, there are some ethical considerations we can’t overlook when thinking about how it can work for us.

First is the unconscious bias in AI platforms. Because humans choose the platforms’ data sets, there’s always a chance of bias making its way into the systems. This can lead to a lack of diversity in hiring decisions if inappropriate data is used.

But data itself is an ethical (and legal) consideration. More technology means more data, which creates risks around storage and collection. While this isn’t unique to recruitment, it should be at the forefront of any discussion about technological advances.

Implementing more tech-based strategies can easily lead to over-reliance and diminishing human involvement. This is particularly important in recruitment, which has (and always will be) a human-focused industry. However, the way to overcome this is by correctly training the recruiters.

They must be taught to leverage technology effectively rather than relying on it for every aspect of their jobs. At the end of the day, recruitment decisions should be made by a person, with technology only aiding their processes. It’s vital that recruiters of the future balance technology against their own intuition during the hiring process to make better-informed – yet fair – decisions.

Preparing for the Future of Talent Acquisition

The future of recruitment will be defined by transparency more than ever. Whether this is openness about AI-powered platforms or simply including a salary range in a job description, it’s fair to say recruitment will be more of a two-way street than ever before.

While businesses must adapt and embrace new technologies to aid their recruitment processes, human interaction will be more critical in the face of this tech landscape.